Environmental Law is a four-credit asynchronous course that takes place between December 21, 2020 and January 24, 2021. Several broad topics within environmental law are compressed into five modules. Each module will have one video lecture on Zoom, which you may attend live or watch later. The course features guest speakers who are subject-matter experts in several of the topics covered within each module. Note that not all subjects covered within each module will be discussed during lectures. Students are expected to be self-directed, and must watch lectures (live or recorded), complete reading assignments, absorb additional material provided in this syllabus and on Moodle, and write competently for assignments that correspond to each module.

U.S. environmental law and policy, the common-law foundations of environmental law, and the regulatory process and toolkit are examined. The focus is on major environmental statutes: the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Air Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, the Compensation and Recovery Act (Superfund), and the Safe Drinking Water Act.