What are the reciprocal relationships between art and technology? This course examines the connecting trajectories of artistic and technological developments from early modernism to the contemporary artistic production. Focusing on how the two fields have developed in relation to each other, the course addresses the interconnected nature of technology, technique, craft and art. With its thematic structure, this course provides an historical survey of key technological and artistic concepts and related philosophical questions.
The course format includes lectures, student presentations, screenings, and class discussions. We will take intellectual risks, listen to each other, intervene, present our ideas and debate. A friendly, democratic theoretical conflict between students is highly encouraged. Our goal is to develop new perspectives on a wide range of topics and prepare students as engaging artists in their fields. Starting from the second class, groups of students will take the role of leading the discussion by actively bringing questions and issues to the class. Each theme will be anchored to art projects, films and major texts and essays from renowned philosophers, curators and artists, and they will be assessed and discussed in order to identify the strength and weaknesses of their theoretical framework.