The greatest writer cannot see through a brick wall but, unlike the rest of us, he does not build one.
–WH Auden

I can only think of you when I don’t think of you.
–a patient of Adam Phillips

Course Description

What is the relationship between writing and looking? If to read is to look at words while thinking about something else, to write might be to look at something else while thinking about words.

What is the relationship between writing and being seen? between reading and being seen? What is the relationship between seeing and being moved? between being seen and being moved? between being seen and moving?

Writing for the visual arts: How can writing serve the visual arts? Assuming the visual arts are served by clear vision, writing can serve by helping us better see what we see, and better recognize the ways we are seen.

In this course, we will study writing as a form of vision and as a form of looking away; as a form and the breaking of form; as speech and as silence; as play and as tedium; as pleasure and boredom. We will approach writing as an art, art-making as a form of writing, and art objects as texts that can be read.